Wednesday, June 15, 2011

People are People Everywhere...

Where have the days gone? There has been so much traveling and running around that it's almost unreal that I have been away for a week. I have attempted to write in this blog for a couple days now and either the internet went out or I was way too tired to understand enough of myself to make any sense.

Since Monday, there have been more orientations. The orientations became more enterataining but they have also come with a common message. A message of safety and a message of fear. Don't Eat the wrong thing! The doctors on many of the panels have been greatly informative. I dont think there is really any information you can give a person who doesnt eat spicy food... Monday I did get a little sick. Last night I also realized my body was fighting off a sinus infection which I never get. I trust my body though...even before I became sick to my stomach my tear ducts were warning me. I came to tears just looking at the food in front of me. I'm eating better since; keep me in your prayers.

Monday Evening:

Myself, Jyoti, Harleen, and Kim (new friends... two are studying Punjabi in Jarpur**) went out to India Gate, which has been explained to me as a place similar to our National Mall. It wasnt too far from the hotel. It was probably about a mile walk. This walk to crucial! I have never sweat so much in my life. It was HOT! lol... At India Gate there was more staring. We were actually stared at by a group of monk which totally found awesome. People were trying to get us to buy things... we didnt but I did learn how to give a stern "no." Many of them were persistant.

Tuesday and Random Realizations (In Lucknow):

  • I realized my watch was taking bad time. I dont know what the deal with that was... the temperature maybe.
  •  This place could easily fix water and electricity problems with the implementation of sustatinable living!!! Its really ridiculous. It puts into perspective the inequality of the world and blessings from above...the ones some of us take for granted.
  • I've seen workers in New Delhi and recently in Lucknow and it's unfamiliar seeing one or two men working on a highway or plain clothes using whatever small tools they use to construct with. It is weird because I know in the states people contract out for work and many people take no time to build or fix something like a road or a house.
I have those random realizations for days...

Anyway... Im in Lucknow. The streets are crazy ill explain that later. Another update soon!!!

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