Sunday, July 3, 2011

Because I Cant Help But Say...

I'm in a place where the only tourists are us. Though maybe not in the extreme heart of India, we are still in a very engaged place. I am curious; minimally perplexed at the way we are protected by the government (CLS) yet still inside of it all.

I have been sick for the last few days and I still question why... could it have been the food, the drastic change of climate, something simple like a slip of drink or some food too familiar to India. Is my body just adjusting? Either way, I'm sure ill be fine considering the length of stay left.

- I cannot help but fantasize about the American food the Chicago airport will provide me upon stepping foot on that familiar solid ground.
- I cant help but think of the final oral exam we take after the program is over. Already three weeks in and I'm better at writing Urdu then anything else. Learning is a process...
- I also cannot help but miss the Black culture I call my own. It doesn't seem as difficult for the Eastern natives - heritage wise- to find a bit of security in India (the cuisine and the culture). The main stream Americans (because I was told some don't connect with "Caucasian.") aren't so easily bothered because of their similar culture with one another.
I have been thinking "what is my place here?" Knowing all along who I am and who I represent as a part of this program. ((you shouldn't wonder...if you are reading, I am sure you already know.))
I do wonder what the Lucknow people think of me...maybe ill soon find out.

This Fourth of July Ill be in India... Having Indian Pizza Hut and immersed in a culture outside of the pizza place not of my own... But undoubtedly of my people...not a race. Just Humans Being ;)

Wish my tummy luck.


  1. took me a long time to comment. but i liked this post. sure hope you're having an amazing time. and plzzz you can find yourself anywhere. happy fourth ;) we miss you

  2. Hi sweetie. Thanks for being the ambassador for your family!
